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Effective Traffic Management on Company Premises

Managing the traffic around and within your facility, both pedestrian and automated, is an important task.  A good traffic management system will not only make your facility easier to access and navigate, but also protect the health and safety of the staff and customers that frequent it.  The implementation of a traffic management policy will also help to make sure your premises complies with the requirements for traffic routes set out by the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992.

The traffic products you require will depend on your location and the way you want the traffic in and around your facility to work. A wide range of barrier systems (both pedestrian and vehicle) can be used to channel traffic down appropriate or designated routes, cordon off dangerous areas or areas undergoing repair, as well as managing queues for the benefit of staff and customers.  The type of barrier system needed will depend on the type of traffic it is controlling and the area it is functioning in (for example there is legislation in place requiring the use of specific types of barriers if they are to be used on roads accessed by the public).  Speed ramps can be used to force compliance with a desired speed-limit as well as promoting responsible driving and ensuring safety.   Bollards, parking posts and cones can block off access permanently, conditionally or temporarily, making your facility work the way you want it to work.

Tips on Implementing a Traffic Management System

Implementing the right traffic management system can be more complex than you think.  It may include blocking certain routes or spaces and filtering traffic using bollards or barriers, controlling the speed of traffic using speed bumps or signage, and the procedures to take during any maintenance required.  There are a lot of factors to consider.

  • The primary consideration must be the safety of those using your premises. You should conduct a detailed risk assessment that concentrates on risk avoidance rather than mitigation and plan accordingly.
  • Make sure you review your risk assessment regularly and especially when any changes to the traffic to and from your premises take place.
  • Consider what route/routes you would like traffic to take.
  • Consider the traffic routes carefully, especially in terms of who and what is using it and how often.
  • Take into account how much space is available
  • Make sure you have considered access for the young, old and disabled.
  • Do you want to restrict access to your premises or protect staff parking?
  • Remember to try and keep it simple: obvious, quick and easy access to a building will encourage repeat business!
  • Do you want to implement a controlled speed limit?
  • Do the products controlling traffic at your premises match your business image?