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Tips on Gritting

Whether at home or at work gritting is the most common method to de-ice floors and ground and with a few simple steps in application can be even more effective:

  • Apply gritting when frost, ice or snow is forecast or when traffic routes are damp or wet and the temperature is at or below freezing
  • Apply early in the evening before frost settles and early morning before staff or customers arrive
  • Be aware that salt will not work instantly – it requires time to dissolve into the moisture on the ground
  • Try not to grit when it is raining heavily as the grit can be washed away rendering it useless
  • ‘Dawn frost’ can occur on dry surfaces so check the ground carefully as to where to apply gritting
  • Ice formed from compacted snow is difficult to treat effectively with grit (you may want to employ other means of clearing it and then apply gritting to the cleared area)

Product Focus – Salt, Grit and De-icers

Salt, grit and de-icing products are essential to winter maintenance whether at work or at home.  Choosing which one to use will depend on when and where you are using it.  Make sure you know the benefits of each!

White Salt

  • Best used in an area that is to be kept clean of dirty salt residues (such as entrances and exits). As it is more ground down than grit or brown salt it is quicker and more effective at melting snow.

Brown Rock/Road Salt/Grit

  • Unrefined and therefore much cheaper than white salt. Ideal for use on roads, in car parks or larger areas of pavement and walkways where there is less concern of bringing residue indoors

Liquid De-icer

  • Less harmful to the environment than salting and gritting and faster to take effect while leaving no residue. However, it is less cost-effective.