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Smoking in the Workplace Legislation – What You Need To Know

The Prohibition of Smoking in Certain Premises (Scotland) Regulations 2006, The Smoke-free (Premises and Enforcement) Regulations 2006 and The Smoke-free Premises etc. (Wales) Regulations 2007 ban smoking in enclosed or substantially enclosed premises and require that smoking shelters or designated smoking areas must have openings that are not less than half of the total area of the walls or limits of the structure.

The relevant signage that must be displayed in premises differs in Scotland, England and Wales. For Scotland there must be at least one no-smoking sign that is legible to people in and approaching a premises that is at least 230x160mm in size, displays the international ‘no-smoking’ symbol at least 85mm in diameter and displays the name of a person to whom a complaint can be made if smoking is observed within the premises.  In Wales there must be no-smoking signs at or near each entrance to premises that are at least 230x160mm in size, display the no-smoking symbol at least 85mm in diameter and state that ‘It is against the law to smoke in these premises’. For premises in England, The Smoke-free (Signs) Regulations 2012 reduced the requirements for signage.  There must now be at least one no-smoking sign in a premises (there are no limitations on size though it must be legible).