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Why Keeping an AED at your Facility Could Help Save Lives

A sudden cardiac arrest is a serious medical emergency and the survival rate in the UK is less than 10% for cardiac arrests occurring outside of hospitals. The reason for this low survival rate is that every minute that passes without CPR and defibrillation being performed reduces the chance of survival by up to 10%.

A cardiac arrest happens when the heart suddenly stops pumping blood around the body, leading to unconsciousness. Without treatment, a cardiac arrest will lead to death.
Every year, there are over 30,000 cardiac arrests taking place outside of hospitals in the UK.

Whilst performing CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is an effective way of doubling the chances of survival, defibrillation with an AED (automated external defibrillator) provides the best chances of survival.

AEDs can be used by anyone, even persons who have not received training in the use of AEDs. The defibrillator unit provides instructions to the person using it and will only administer a shock if the casualty requires it. This makes them perfectly safe for use by the general public or by employees without special first aid training.

Automatic AED units will automatically administer a shock to the person in cardiac arrest after analysing their heart rhythm whilst semi-automatic AED units will tell the helper to press a button which will administer the shock if required.

The simplicity of using an AED makes it an excellent first aid device to have in the workplace or in a public building including universities and schools. If you run a business with a large or aging workforce or with frequent access by the public, it might make sense for you to provide an AED on your premises. It could save lives.