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Your Guide to Workshop Equipment

No matter what type of workshop you require, be it domestic, educational, laboratory or engineering, two of the main principles when fitting it out must be organisation and application.  An organised workshop will work quickly and effectively as every tool or part will have a place, and be easily identified and retrieved for use.  This is especially important in more specified engineering sectors such as aerospace, automotive or oil and gas workshops, where high-value precise tools have particular storage requirements and need to be safe and secure.  The application must be considered so that the equipment used is up to the task at hand.

Storage cabinets, cupboards, tool drawers, perforated wall panels, maxi-bins, tool inlay mats and divider kits will all aid in providing an exact place and secure storage for all your tools and parts.  The storage system you require will depend on the tools needed for the work being carried out – you may require more small parts than actual tool storage – so make sure you match the equipment used to the storage required.

In terms of workstations and workbenches, these should again be selected based upon the type of work being carried out.  Obviously heavier duty benches will be more suitable if the work involves heavy items, if a large amount of pressure is needed to perform the task, or the tools involved are of a particular power or cutting ability.  Make sure that the bench, desk or workstation is of suitable strength for the application required of it so that you comply with the relevant health and safety legislation such as The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998.   Mobility may also be required if there are different processes going on in the same workshop to give flexibility and ease of access to tools and parts.

There is an extensive range of workshop products to choose from including modular and highly adaptable Bott equipment that has been specifically designed for engineering purposes and uses high quality materials in its construction – so no matter what type of workshop you require, it sets the benchmark.