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Your Guide to First Aid Kits and Equipment

While the first aid kit provisions in the workplace should reflect the nature of the workplace, the HSE do give guidelines on the minimum requirements for low-risk workplaces.  Each first aid kit should include:

  • A leaflet providing general guidance on first aid
  • 20 individually wrapped sterile plasters (of assorted sizes) that are appropriate to the type of work
  • Two sterile eye pads
  • Two individually wrapped sterile triangular bandages
  • Six safety pins
  • Two large individually wrapped and sterile unmedicated wound dressings
  • Six medium sized unmedicated wound dressings
  • Three pairs of disposable gloves

You may also want to refer to British Standard BS 8599-1 which gives further information on what a workplace first aid kit should include and how many kits should be provided based on the number of employees a company has.